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厌倦了浪费时间和精力创建一个复杂的仪表板? Now, you can save hours on design and development by downloading one of the advanced theme options admin templates and putting it in your backend directory. After all, you want your administrative panel to look and feel great for your users, 这些仪表板主题将有助于确保实现这一目标.

Fully responsive demo consoles with lots of features can be changed a lot to fit the needs of any design. 从分析图表到应用整合, Templateog体育首页 offers a powerful set of pre-built dashboards with advanced options that'll let you customize your backend in no time.


This method of creating an admin panel is efficient and can be used in the following situations:

  • Speed. 能够将构建仪表板的过程加快5-10倍. After all, for a professional designer to develop a back-end from scratch may require at least a week, and for a beginner, 这样的任务可能根本不在他们的权力范围之内.
  • High quality. 预先制作的设计看起来很有吸引力,也很容易编辑. If you include not just one photo for the background but add animation and interactive elements, 行政小组将具有专业和独特的外观. 当然,这样的结果在任何情况下都将是一个很大的优势.
  • It is easy to edit. If you need to change the text, color, or individual elements, no special knowledge is required. 这很容易用Photoshop, Dreamweaver等来完成.


This way is suitable for those who are not ready for a unique design but already strive for individuality.

Adjust the layout for specific tasks, add individual graphics, and make the desired arrangement. Voila! At your disposal is a "not-like-everyone-else" visual format with the further support of the author. 而且它的账单不会引起紧张的抽搐. 同意,30美元还是3000美元——差别很明显.


这些主题包括用于构建接口的现成小部件. In particular, 它们提供了管理用户的选项, roles, permissions, content types, taxonomies, custom post types, etc.

本页上的模板样式各不相同, features, frameworks, and sometimes even topic. 这是你现在可以得到的:

  • Syndron控制面板在NodeJS、Angular和Bootstrap上起作用. 你可以选择两个工具板:电子商务和分析. 这种设计非常适合web应用程序, online stores, 以及客户关系管理系统. There are dedicated pages for various scenarios (login/register, profile, 404, etc.).
  • FoodTech: The ReactJS-based package is highly customizable and is suitable for any business that provides an online food menu. It provides a variety of HTML pages and one thousand components to keep up with your data management needs.
  • Andiamo: The admin panel is built on the Semantic-UI and Fomantic-UI frameworks. 有七种不同的仪表盘可供选择, including ones for fitness, dining, cryptocurrency, and more. It's mobile-friendly and packed with many options including applications, charts, components, and maps.


燧石族是一个时髦的管理模板,包括1000 UI elements 还有很多小部件可以帮助你自动化和改进你的业务. 它是一个多用途的仪表盘,可以用于任何项目. With this single sample, you can quickly create a fully functional console.



它们是创建易于使用的仪表板的方便方法. They provide a more organized layout that helps boost usability and performance.

What are the limitations of using advanced theme options admin templates?

限制适用于您在购买主题时选择的许可证. In particular, 个人许可证允许您创建一个项目, whereas the commercial license allows you to build up to five projects.


Front-end development requires knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. Back-end development also requires skills in Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, and SQL. 两者都是整体的互补部分, 因为它们一起工作,使您的应用程序顺利运行.


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