Gloos - Angular 12+管理模板
Gloos – Angular 12+ Admin and Starter TemplateGloos is a module-based, multi-layout Angular admin template featuring custom-made Application and Page layouts with beautifully crafted, clean &...
Sales: 3


Whether you're building a website backend or a CRM that just needs a bit of extra magic, 惰性加载仪表板模板将创造奇迹. We’ve gathered together some of the most powerful admin panel themes on the market, so you can quickly add that extra touch of functionality to your web project. You'll be able to customize them with a bunch of options and generate user-friendly and responsive designs for your next project with a tempting lazy load effect. You won't have to worry about loading time, bandwidth usage, or page speed. That's why you can download a template right now and start your project right away.


Lazy loading is a technique that reduces the time it takes to display a webpage. This is done by loading only the content that is visible on the screen at any given time. In other words, content is loaded progressively as you scroll down a web page. This lets you focus on what's important: the content, not how it's being delivered. 最后,惰性加载技术有助于:

  • 减少网站的加载时间;
  • 使其更加用户友好;
  • 提高用户满意度.

当数据异步加载时, 数据源后端不必执行所有查询, 这样可以减轻服务器的压力. 因此,您的控制台将运行得更快.


These assets are for anyone who wants to help their users navigate the admin panel more easily. This makes the backend less cluttered and easier to understand.

Thus, this collection is an excellent tool for any type of organization, including:

  • IT sector;
  • medical institutions;
  • 教育机构;
  • 客户服务部门;
  • catering facilities;
  • 社会保障部门;
  • and many more.

Choose a pre-made admin design to reduce the amount of time your team spends creating them from scratch. You’ll have a high chance of getting a better UX and avoiding potential problems down the road.


Core features, often present in lazy load admin panels, include the following:

  • 管理库存、工作流和相关数据.
  • 内容管理.
  • 易于访问和配置的报告工具.
  • 与第三方应用的兼容性和互操作性.
  • 安全和访问管理.
  • Audit tools.

All of these features depend on the way the system and dashboard are set up, as well as the technologies and tools that are used to make them work.


Here are some of the most significant things you should try to do when you customize your ready-made control panel:

  • Display information and tasks in the simplest and most direct way possible. Design elements that don't improve the experience for administrators and end users aren't worth adding.
  • The user interface should make it easier for administrators to carry out any given job or use case. You can easily make targeted changes to how your system is set up by going straight to them from the homepage.
  • Maintaining a uniform look and feel across the UI and UX helps administrators save time and effort in the long run. Include uniformity in the panel's design in terms of its layout, typography, navigation, etc.



This is a web design tool that allows you to create fast-loading consoles for your website or web application in minutes. The tool only loads the content that is seen on the current part of the screen. 它优化CSS,使其美观, responsive design.

What are the leading providers of lazy-load dashboard templates?

The most popular high-sale providers of dashboard themes on Templateog体育首页 are RockThemes, Zemez, Themex, and DreamIT, 总销售量达数百甚至数千.


The Templateog体育首页 marketplace has a search bar and sidebar product filter to help you find the right theme. In particular, you can search by keyword or browse through the categories of products.


Templateog体育首页有一个独特的 affiliate program that lets you sell their products and get up to 30% of each sale as a commission. 您可以自由出售网站主题, graphics, add-ons, 3D models, presentations, 以及音频/视频效果.